How to set up delivery charges or configure free-shipping promotions through SmartBiz?

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Getting customers to purchase products from your online store for the first time can be difficult, especially when you are newly starting out. With the advent of online shopping, free delivery is an increasingly popular and sought-after option for online shoppers. According to studies, as many as 79% of consumers say free shipping makes them more likely to shop. Shipping costs are perceived as an additional barrier to online shopping convenience, and customers are increasingly expecting free shipping on their orders. Therefore, as a new seller who is starting their online business, you should consider offering free deliveries for your online orders. However, if it is unviable and you have no choice, you can set minimum delivery fees for your orders.

Here is how you can manage delivery fees through SmartBiz.

Default settings for delivery costs on SmartBiz

The default setting for delivery fees for any store created using SmartBiz by Amazon is set to free delivery. You can change this value of delivery charges on your profile on your SmartBiz account. The value set will be applicable for all orders placed from the last update. Different delivery charges cannot be charged on different orders.

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Delivery and shipping cost options for sellers

To configure costs for the delivery, the seller can choose from three different options, such as :

  • You can start by offering free delivery on all orders (by putting the value as 0) to retain the default value
  • Configure a flat delivery charge for all orders OR
  • Configure a delivery charge of ₹xx on all orders below a certain threshold. This is equivalent to setting up free delivery above a certain order value
Pro-tip: Free deliveries above ₹xx are often used by sellers to induce basket building among shoppers. However, be careful about setting a pocket-friendly transaction threshold and don’t end up setting a very high value that could lead to cart abandonment.

How to set up free shipping on your online store using SmartBiz?

  1. Go to your account on SmartBiz, select ‘My Profile’ on your dashboard
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  3. Click on the ‘Set Delivery Charges’ button
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  5. Enter the delivery fee as ₹0. This is the default value, and you can choose to retain it
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  7. Click on the ‘Save’ button to save your free delivery settings

How to set delivery fees on your online store?

  1. Go to your account on SmartBiz, select ‘My Profile’ on your dashboard
  2. Click on the ‘Set delivery charges’ button
  3. Enter the delivery fee that you will charge per order,
  4. Enter the minimum amount required for free delivery and delivery fee for other orders
  5. Click on the ‘Save’ button to save your delivery charges settings
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Why should you set up free shipping promotions on your online store?

1) Build trust and credibility with shoppers:

Offering free shipping online can help give your brand a leg up against your competitors. It can help you break down barriers that might keep some customers from buying from you. Free shipping on orders of a certain total can help keep customers happy and coming back for more.

2) Basket building:

By giving customers free shipping by purchasing above a certain amount, you can provide an incentive to customers to place a relatively larger order. You may choose to combine the most frequently purchased items and offer promotions on them to increase the number of items a customer buys, which also helps them save shipping costs.

Inducing trials for your products online can be tricky. When it comes to impacting a customer's total shopping experience with your brand, shipping is just as crucial as everything else. Try to experiment with free shipping promotions to induce trials. SmartBiz by Amazon provides easy and efficient ways to set up these promotions for your online store.

So, what are you waiting for?

Create your own online store using SmartBiz by Amazon today. Click here to join the interest list to start your free trials.