In our own way, we have all experienced the challenges of 2020. However, if there was one binding factor that kept everyone going, it was the thought of the light at the end of the tunnel, also more commonly referred to as - ‘Hope’.

In February 2021, LiveLoveLaugh launched a new brand identity. We believe that hope can be at the heart of our mental health and therefore, fittingly, hope finds itself at the center of our identity as well.

As the world crawls towards a semblance of normalcy, the focus has now shifted to the year ahead. The foundation’s goals and objectives remain unchanged as we continue to give hope to every person experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression. 
The successful first cycle of the Doctor’s programs across four cities, delivery of free treatment and care through our rural program to persons with mental illness during the pandemic and other key initiatives have kept the momentum going.

Our endeavour at LiveLoveLaugh, now in its fifth year, is to continue to progress in the direction that we set envisioned. This can only be achieved with your continued support and patronage, and we look forward to the months ahead.

Anisha Padukone



Prioritizing Mental Health

We started 2021 by sharing information about Mental Health and self-care, and created awareness on stress, anxiety, and depression. 
The New Brand Identity
Our founder, Deepika Padukone, strongly believes that no life should be lost due to mental illness. This guiding philosophy has led the way for LiveLoveLaugh since we commenced our journey in 2015.

We believe that hope can be at the heart of our mental health, and fittingly, hope finds itself at the center of our new brand identity. From the warm hues of the color palette to the accessible typeface, the LiveLoveLaugh brand emphasizes inclusivity, compassion, and hope. 
We are delighted to present the icons of our new brand identity


LiveLoveLaugh: Making a difference

Making Mental Health a Priority in India
LIVELOVELAUGH Announces Launch of New Brand Identity

TLLLF Training Program for Physicians Brings Mental Health Awareness to Primary Care in India

Careers in Mental Health: Dynamic, Challenging, Fulfilling
If you or your loved one is feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, do not hesitate to seek help
Be a part of the change by helping us provide hope to those experiencing stress, anxiety, and depression
Copyright ©  2021 The Live Love Laugh Foundation. All rights reserved.

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